Holy Isle to Edinburgh

A Shiatsu journey from Holy Isle to Edinburgh

A digital story of how Shiatsu connects to food, nutrition and environmental issues.

In 2017, I took part in a project with Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh to look at community, climate crisis, and food security in Scotland.
As an urban Crofter at Earth in Common in Leith, I was invited to tell my personal story of food and what food security means to me within a digital story. These short stories were then showing at the Scottish Parliament as part of its Good Food Nation.

I had recently moved to Leith after living on Holy Isle, Arran for fours years. So I chose to tell the story of how Shiatsu connected me to both rural and city community through food, people, place and environment.
You can watch my story here…

A digital short project by Jenny White in collaboration with Holy Isle Project,  Earth in Common, Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh and The Big Picnic.

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Find out more about our 1-2-1 Shiatsu Massage Therapy and EFT Tapping treatments, our Self Care Workshops and Events, and our tailored Workplace Wellbeing Community and Workplace Wellbeing Programmes.

Or, simply get in touch with Jenny for a chat. 
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